
안녕 (Hi). 내 이름은 존이야 (My name is John). I’m an 미국 사람 (American) living in the 샌프란시스코 베이 에어리어 (San Francisco Bay Area) who started studying 한국어 (Korean) on June 1, 2021. I created this site to record my progress and share tips with other 한국어 공부하는 학생들 (students studying Korean).

For more about me, and why I am studying Korean, check out the FAQ page. I share useful resources, usually related to whatever I am studying at the moment, and post examples of some of the exercises that I’m working though. I’m also trying to get in the habit of posting a daily journal entry in Korean. Of course, you can’t really learn a language without learning about a country’s culture, food, politics, and history so I’ll share content and perspectives on those as well.