Present Tense A/V-(습)ᄇ니다: Formal present tense for verbs/adjectives
사과가 맛있습니다. - The apple is delicious.
Present Tense A/V-아/어요: Informal present tense for verbs/adjectives
사과가 맛있어요. - The apple is delicious.
Past Tense A/V-았/었어요: Past tense for verbs/adjectives
사과를 먹었어요. - I ate the apple.
Future Tense V-(으)ㄹ 거예요: Expressing future actions or states
사과를 먹을 거예요. - I will eat the apple.
Progressive Tense V-고 있다: Indicates an ongoing action
사과를 먹고 있어요. - I am eating the apple.
Past Perfect Tense A/V-았/었었어: Expresses an action that had occurred before another past action
사과를 먹었었어요. - I had eaten the apple.
안 A/V-아/어요 (A/V-지 않아요): Negation for verbs/adjectives with “not”
안 먹어요 (먹지 않아요). - I don’t eat. (I am not eating.)
못 V-아/어요 (V-지 못해요): Indicates inability or impossibility to do something
못 봐요 (봐지 못해요). - I can’t see. (I am unable to see.)
N이/가: Subject marker
사과가 맛있어요. - The apple is delicious.
N은/는: Topic marker
사과는 맛있어요. - As for apples, they’re delicious.
N을/를: Object marker
사과를 먹어요. - I eat an apple.
N와/과: Connective particle (and) for nouns
사과와 바나나 - Apples and bananas
N(이)랑/N하고: Informal “and” for nouns
사과랑 바나나 - Apples and bananas
N의: Possessive particle (of)
사과의 색 - The color of the apple
N에 - 1: Location or destination particle
학교에 갔어요. - I went to school.
N에 - 2: Time particle (at, on)
3시에 만나요. - Let’s meet at 3 o’clock.
N에서: Origin or starting point particle
학교에서 왔어요. - I came from school.
N에서 N까지: From N to N
서울에서 부산까지 - From Seoul to Busan
N부터 N까지: From N until N
아침부터 밤까지 - From morning till night
N에게/한테: Indicating direction (to, for, from)
친구에게 편지를 줬어요. - I gave a letter to my friend.
N도: Also, too
사과도 좋아요. - I also like apples.
N만: Only
사과만 먹어요. - I eat only apples.
N밖에: Nothing but, only
사과밖에 없어요. - There’s nothing but apples.
N(으)로: Towards, by means of
버스로 갔어요. - I went by bus.
N(이)나 1: Or ( not for past tense)
사과나 바나나? - Apples or bananas?
N(이)나 2: More than I though
5개나 먹었어요. - I ate about 5.
N처럼: Like, as if
사과처럼 달아요. - It’s sweet like an apple.
N같이: Like, similarly
사과같이 맛있어요. - It’s delicious like an apple.
N보다: More than, compared to
사과보다 바나나가 달아요. - Bananas are sweeter than apples.
N마다: Every
주말마다 영화를 봐요. - I watch movies every weekend.
A/V-고: And (linking actions)
밥 먹고 나갔어요. - I ate and then left.
V-거나: Or (giving options)
읽거나 쓰거나 해요. - I either read, write, or do something.
A/V-지만: But, however (contrast)
맛있지만 비싸요. - It’s delicious, but expensive.
A/V-(으)ㄴ/는데 - 1: Providing background or contrasting info
배고픈데 먹을 게 없어요. - I’m hungry, but there’s nothing to eat.
N전에: Before a specific time or event
한 시간 전에 - One hour ago
V-기 전에: Before doing an action
먹기 전에 - Before eating
N후에: After a specific time or event
일주일 후에 - After one week
V-(으)ㄴ후에: After doing an action
먹은 후에 - After eating
V-고나서: After doing an action and then…
먹고나서 - After eating…
V-아/어서: Because of, since (time-related)
늦어서 - Because I’m late
N 때: When, at the time of
아침 때 - In the morning/When it’s morning
A/V-(으)ㄹ 때: When doing an action
먹을 때 - When eating
V-(으)면서: While doing an action
먹으면서 - While eating
N중: In the midst of, during a specific time
여름 중 - During summer
V-는중: While in the middle of an action
먹는 중 - While in the middle of eating
V-자마자: As soon as the action is done
먹자마자 - As soon as I ate
N동안: For a specific duration
한 시간 동안 - For one hour
V-는동안: While doing an action for a duration
먹는 동안 - While eating (for a while)
V-(으) 지: Since doing an action (time elapsed)
먹은 지 - Since I ate
V-(으)ㄹ 수 있다: Can, is possible to do
먹을 수 있어요. - I can eat.
V-(으)ㄹ 수 없다: Cannot, is not possible to do
먹을 수 없어요. - I cannot eat.
V-(으)ㄹ 줄 알다: Know how to do
먹는 줄 알아요. - I know how to eat.
V-(으)ㄹ 줄 모르다: Do not know how to do
먹는 줄 모르겠어요. - I don’t know how to eat.
V-(으)세요: Polite imperative (request or command)
먹으세요. - Please eat.
V-지마세요: Polite prohibition (don’t do something)
먹지마세요. - Don’t eat.
A/V-아/어야 되다/하다: Must do, have to do
먹어야 돼요. - I have to eat.
A/V-아/어도 되다: Is allowed to, can do
먹어도 돼요. - I can eat (I’m allowed to eat).
A/V-(으)면 안 되다: Cannot do, must not do
먹으면 안 돼요. - I must not eat (I can’t eat).
A/V-지 않아도 되다 (안 A/V-아/어도 되다): It’s okay not to do, don’t have to do
안 먹어도 돼요. - I don’t have to eat (It’s okay not to eat).
V-고 싶다: Want to do
여행하고 싶어요. - I want to travel.
A/V-았/었으면 좋겠다: Wish or hope something happened
먹었으면 좋겠어요. - I wish I had eaten.
A/V-아/어서 - 2: Because, due to (reason)
배고파서 먹었어요. - I ate because I was hungry.
A/V-(으)니까 - 1: Because (giving a reason)
추워서 안 나갔어요. - I didn’t go out because it was cold.
N때문에: Because of (specific noun)
비 때문에 안 나갔어요. - I didn’t go out because of the rain.
A/V-기 때문에: Because (explaining a reason)
먹기 때문에 행복해요. - I’m happy because I eat.
V-아/어주세요: Please do (polite request)
도와주세요. - Please help.
V-아/어주시겠어요?: Will you do (formal request)?
도와주시겠어요? - Will you help?
V-아/어줄게요: I will do for you
먹여줄게요. - I will feed you.
V-아/어줄까요?: Shall I do for you?
물 가져다줄까요? - Shall I bring you water?
V-아/어 보다: Try to do, attempt to
먹어봤어요. - I tried eating it.
V-(으)ㄴ 적이 있다: Have had the experience of
먹은 적이 있어요. - I have tried eating it before.
V-(으)ㄴ 적이 없다: Haven’t had the experience of
먹은 적이 없어요. - I haven’t tried eating it before.
V-(으)ㄹ까요? - 1: Making a suggestion or asking an opinion
갈까요? - Shall we go?
V-(으)ㄹ까요? - 2: Asking for confirmation or opinion
이게 맞을까요? - Is this right, do you think?
V-(으)ㄹ까요?: Proposing to do something
먹을까요? - Shall we eat?
V-(으)ㄹ시다: Let’s (suggestion)
먹읍시다. - Let’s eat.
V-(으)시겠어요?: Will you…? (polite)
도와주시겠어요? - Will you help?
V-(으)ㄹ래요? - 1: Informal suggestion
먹을래요? - Shall we eat? (informal)
A/V-겠어요 - 1: Willingness or assumption
가겠어요. - I will go.
V-(으)ㄹ게요: Indicating intention to do
전화할게요. - I will call.
V-(으)ㄹ래 - 2: Indicating informal plan/intention
먹을래. - I think I’ll eat.
A/V-(으)ㄴ/는데 - 2: Providing background information
갔는데, 사람이 많았어요. - I went, and there were many people.
V-(으)니까 - 2: Because (providing reason or cause)
추워서 안 나갔어요. - I didn’t go out because it was cold.
V-(으)러 가다/오다: To go/come in order to…
책을 사러 갔어요. - I went to buy a book.
V-(으)려고: With the intent to…
먹으려고 사과를 샀어요. - I bought an apple with the intent to eat it.
V-(으)려고하다: Plan or intend to…
여행 가려고 합니다. - I’m planning to go on a trip.
N을/를 위해(서): For the sake/purpose of…
학교를 위해 공부해요. - I study for school.
V-기 위해(서): In order to do…
만나기 위해서 올게요. - I will come in order to meet.
V-기로하다: Decide to…
여행 가기로 했어요. - I decided to go on a trip.
A/V-(으)면: If… (conditional)
비 오면 우산을 가져와. - Bring the umbrella if it rains.
V-(으)려면: In order to… (prerequisite condition)
여행 가려면 돈이 필요해. - In order to travel, you need money.
A/V-아/어도: Even if… (despite the condition)
바빠도 시간을 내서 만날게. - Even if I’m busy, I’ll make time to meet.
A/V-겠어요 - 2: Assumption or prediction
비가 올겠어요. - It will probably rain.
A/V-(으)ㄹ거예요 - 2: Prediction about the future
그녀는 올 거예요. - She will come.
A/V-(으)ㄹ까요? - 3: Wondering or conjecturing
비가 올까요? - Will it rain, do you think?
A/V-(으)ㄴ/는/(으)것같다: Seems like or appears to be
그는 행복한 것 같아요. - He seems happy.
관형형 - (으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ N: Descriptive form (attributive)
먹는 사람 - The person who eats
A/V-기: Gerund, nominalizing a verb or adjective
먹기 좋아요. - I like eating.
A-게: Adverbial form of an adjective
빠르게 달리다. - Run quickly.
A-아/어하다: To make something (adjective)
따뜻해하다. - To make it warm.
V-고있다 - 2: Describes an ongoing action/state
읽고 있어요. - I am reading.
V-아/어 있다: Indicates a continuous action or state
자고 있어요. - I am sleeping.
A-아/어지다: To become (in a certain state)
춥어지다. - To become cold.
V-게 되다: To end up doing something or to come to be in a state
여행하게 되었어요. - I ended up going on a trip.
A/V-(으)ㄴ/는지: Whether or not, if…
당신은 그를 아는지요? - Do you know him?
V-는 데 걸리다/들다: Takes time/took time or feels/takes effort
공부하는 데 3시간 걸렸어요. - It took 3 hours to study.
A/V-지요?: Isn’t it? (Confirming or seeking agreement)
날씨가 좋아요, 지요? - The weather is nice, isn’t it?
A/V-군요/는군요: Expressing realization or new information
비가 오는군요! - Oh, it’s raining!
A/V-네요: Expressing surprise, realization or confirmation
맛있네요! - It’s delicious! (Surprisingly so!)
A-(으)ㄴ가요?: Asking for confirmation or expressing uncertainty
추운가요? - Is it cold?
V-나요?: A polite way to ask questions
뭐 하나요? - What are you doing?
A/V-(으)ㄴ/는데요: Providing background information or leading to something
날씨가 좋은데요. - The weather is nice (and…).
A/V-(다)고 하다: Reporting what someone has said
그녀는 피곤하다고 했어요. - She said that she’s tired.
A/V-(다)고 하지 않다: Reporting what someone has not said
그는 가지 않을거라고 하지 않았어요. - He didn’t say he wouldn’t go.
A/V-(다)고 했어요: Reporting what someone said in the past
그녀는 좋다고 했어요. - She said it was good.
V-(으)라고 하다: Quoting a command or request someone has made
가라고 했어요. - (He/She/They) told (me/you/us) to go.
V-자고 하다: Quoting a suggestion someone has made
먹자고 했어요. - (He/She/They) suggested eating.
A/V-(다)고 하다: Reporting someone’s words indirectly
그녀는 피곤하다고 했어요. - She said that she is tired.
A/V-(다)고 생각하다: To think that… (relaying one’s thoughts indirectly)
그는 학생이라고 생각해요. - I think that he is a student.
A/V-(다)고 느끼다: To feel that… (expressing one’s feelings indirectly)
그녀는 슬프다고 느꼈어요. - She felt that it was sad.
A/V-(다)고 알다: To know that… (expressing one’s knowledge indirectly)
그는 도착했다고 알아요. - I know that he has arrived.
V-(으)려고 하다: To try to… (expressing intent indirectly)
그는 도움을 주려고 했어요. - He tried to help.
A/V-라고: Contracted form of A/V-(다)고 to quote or report
피곤하라고 했어요. - She said that (someone) is tired.
A/V-래: Informal contracted form of A/V-(다)고 (usually based on hearsay)
학생이래. - I heard (he/she) is a student.
A/V-(으)려고: Expressing intent or plan indirectly
가려고 해요. - (He/She) plans to go.
A/V-(으)려면: Expressing conditions for an intent or action
도움을 주려면 연락해주세요. - If you want to help, please contact (me/us).
A/V-(으)려다: Indicating an intent that got interrupted or did not come to fruition
가려다가 바빠서 못 갔어요. - I intended to go, but I couldn’t because I was busy.
ㅡ' 불규칙: The ‘ㅡ’ disappears when followed by a vowel
끄다 → 끄 + 어 → 꺼 - “to turn off” → “turn off”
ㄹ' 불규칙: The ‘ㄹ’ either disappears or doubles when conjugated
길다 → 길 + 어 → 길어 - “to be long” → “is long”
ㅂ' 불규칙: The ‘ㅂ’ changes to ‘우’ before a vowel
돕다 → 돕 + 어 → 도와 - “to help” → “help”
ㄷ' 불규칙: The ‘ㄷ’ changes to ‘ㄹ’ before a vowel
깨닫다 → 깨닫 + 아 → 깨달아 - “to realize” → “realize”
르' 불규칙: The stem ends in ‘르’. The ‘르’ becomes ‘ㄹ’ before a vowel
빨르다 → 빨르 + 어 → 빨라 - “to be fast” → “is fast”
ㅎ' 불규칙: The ‘ㅎ’ disappears when followed by a vowel
파랗다 → 파랗 + 어 → 파래 - “to be yellow” → “is yellow”
시' 불규칙: Special conjugation for honorifics
계시다 → 계시 + 어 → 계세요 - Honorific form of “to be” → “is” (respectful)